Back to Basics 4-Week Guide Back to Basics 4-Week Guide – Yours Skincare

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Learning how to take care of your skin can be frustrating. That's why we're taking it back to the basics and bringing you only the most important information and tips you need for your skin type

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What is the Back to Basicsguide?

Back to Basics includes four chapters on the building blocks of understanding your skin and how to build a skincare routine. Each week, you'll receive a chapter from our Back to Basics guide plus personalised tips just for you.

Chapter 1

There are so many products out there. What are they and what do they do?

Chapter 2

What's my skin type and how can I take care of it?

Chapter 3

How are my skin concerns linked with my skin type, lifestyle, and environment?

Chapter 4

How can I develop an easy-to-follow routine to get started on my skincare journey?

How does it work?

1. Take our mini assessment

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2. Receive 4  guides 

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